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This code of conduct outlines the expectations for behavior at Monkey Morgue. All users and staff are expected to follow this code of conduct when interacting and engaging with our services, including the MONKEY MORGUE game and its relative social media and community channels.

Code of Conduct

No Disruption

Treat each other with respect and kindness. Do not be disruptive, and do not harass other users. Spam and self-promotion will not be tolerated.

No Discrimination or Hate Speech

Do not harass other users or state anything discriminatory regarding a user or group's race, color, language, gender, sexual identity/preference, or religion. 

No Suggestive Content

Do not discuss, post, promote, or mention sexual/suggestive topics anywhere on Monkey Morgue.

No Illegal Content

Do not discuss, post, promote, or mention illegal topics anywhere on Monkey Morgue. 

No Impersonation

Do not impersonate any of our staff, including developers, moderators, administrators, or other authority figures.

No Game Modifications or Abuse

Do not modify MONKEY MORGUE's game content or otherwise exploit, cheat, or hack the game. Do not exploit or abuse bugs, vulnerabilities, or features found within the game.

Privacy and Safety

Do not share sensitive information with other users within our game and social media/community channels. Keep you and your peers safe online!

Stay Vigilant

If you see any user breaking Monkey Morgue's Code of Conduct, or if you encounter any bugs, vulnerabilities, or broken features within the game, we strongly suggest contacting us by creating a ticket in our Discord server. We appreciate all the help and effort we can get to keep Monkey Morgue safe and fun for everyone.

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